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Showing posts from October, 2009


The walk of faith carries us down solitary paths at times. Daily personal obedience can seem lonely since it is custom designed by God specifically for each of us. The human heart can be desperately lonely in the midst of a crowd, yet fully satisfied solely in the presence of just One…THE ONE. Heavenly Father, Eternal Creator, help me today to walk in private fidelity. Help me keep my eyes on You.


Human interaction is confrontational. At some point, every relationship challenges the resident selfishness within us. It is true: “Iron Sharpens Iron.” Confrontation without bitterness is one of life’s best gifts, providing a powerful, life-giving, transformational force of good. Lord, You are the Potter, mold me into the man that pleases you. Thank you for those who You use to shape me.


There is no dependable substitute for divinely guided discernment. We need good judgment to distinguish between inspired thoughts and selfish fantasies; they often appear the same at first glance. The immature mind, driven by personal desire, can be easily confused. Imagination is a gift from God, but must be brought under obedience to Christ. Lord of Creation, teach me to truly submit my thoughts to You today.


Spiritual nutrition will not change what only repentance can transform. It is late fall, but our grass is still summer green. Small, stubborn patches where it will not grow must be removed before new growth will appear. Nutrition will not do, only removal. Lord, help me to establish the right sequence. Where dried patches lie, grant me grace to truly repent and sow in me that which You desire. I’m excited!


I intend to have a good day. God has carefully placed me into the circumstances of this day, providing every resource and opportunity for it to be a day of destiny and fulfilled purpose. My good intentions for today must become action empowered by surrendered obedience. I intend to have a good day…Lord Almighty, help me with my follow through. Provoke me to finish well.


I realize now more than ever, God keeps me. He surrounds me like a wall. This has, at times, felt constraining; HOLY CONSTRAINT, what divine joy, what genuine FREEDOM. Why do we wear ourselves out to get what can never satisfy? Father, grant me the wisdom and discipline to show restraint. With Your Love and Grace You hem me in, forgive my attempts to dislodge Your hold.


Blessings come in many forms. Some are HUGE and obvious, but most are simple and come unannounced: a thought, a smile, a taste, a touch. It strikes me how unpretentious God is. He can work on any scale, but instead, designs into each of our lives a constant stream of unembellished blessings. Lord God of the Universe, Source of All Blessings, I praise You for Your Amazing work.


Spiritual laziness is a constant nemesis. It is easy to be tricked into thinking that Christian activity is spiritual fervor. David had been a successful king for a while when “at the time of battle” he was in the palace instead of where he belonged. His moral fall came when he was enjoying the fruit of his efforts. Oh Lord my Keeper, deliver me from worldly contentment. Pull me toward You.


I’m standing just offstage; the curtain is about to rise on a brand new day. Past performance informs the moment, but this hour has never been. Will I confidently step forward in grace and mercy, or will I drag along yesterday’s shortcomings, misgivings and calamities? Lord of New Beginnings, You have given me this new day. Let Your light wash over me. May the glory of Your brightness be seen in me.


I marvel at the goodness of God. He uses us for good in spite of our limitations and failures, then allows us to enjoy the fruit of our efforts that are only successful because of His grace. As the hymnist wrote: “I stand amazed in the Presence.” Oh Lord My Helper, thank You for your kindness. May I be ever aware of Your work in me and through me. Use me as You will.


MOUSE STEPS produce little forward advance, but are often the prelude to the monumental. I prefer GIANT STEPS, but they must be taken with greater caution and forethought. There is a time for each. Everything God does with mankind must seem like mouse steps to Him. Eternal Lord, You who holds the universe in Your palm, thank You for Your patience and delicate care. Make me more like You.


I have a reckless streak. Sometimes it serves me well, such as when spiritual opportunities present themselves. Being adverse to risk often keeps us from taking leaps of faith. But recklessness is quite dangerous in other ways. For instance, reckless words can easily damage relationships. Lord of Faith and Wisdom, bring Spirit-controlled balance to my character today.


There is no substitute for the supremacy of Christ. He alone must be enthroned in my heart. Most of my troubles are rooted in stubborn attempts to pull away from His dominion overthe length and breadth of my life. Until all that is mine is conceded, all that is His will elude me. Oh God my King, I acknowledge Your Lordship, help me to relinquish every portion. Grant me grace to knuckle under.


Waking up each day is a curious process: alarm, consciousness, minimal awareness, eyes open, foggy recognition, acknowledgement, action. Interestingly, I awaken to the things of God in a similar manner. Lord, help me today to awaken to You swiftly an d consistently, especially in things of eternal value which have been heretofore dormant in me. Use me to awaken others.


I am blessed with friendships; close friends, distant friends, common interest friends, casual friendships, difficult ones, easy ones, new ones, life-long friends, covenant friends. Friendships are lifting, challenging, provoking, inspiring, demanding, instructive; I am rich beyond measure. Lord, thank you for my friends. Help me today to be a better friend to others.


Discretion is a precious gift from God. If I ignore its protection I suffer the consequences. Time spent in Scripture, prayer, worship, thoughtfulness and with discreet people increases my discernment and guards me from self deception. Good judgement does not lock us away from the world around us, but empowers us to walk safely among all. Giver of All Wisdom, grant me foresight and good sense today.


Sunset, daybreak, the steady hand of God turns the earth through another day. His grip is sturdy, forceful, capable, secure. My life is firmly in His grasp. As the Master Artisan of the universe, not one detail is missed as He rotates the object of His love in His hand. Lord God, Father and Creator, I am at peace; You will finish the work You have begun. My life for the Gospel, Your work and will be done.