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Showing posts from July, 2017


“The Lord is my Shepherd, I SHALL NOT FEAR!” Powerful words penned by a shepherd turned king. Those who know little of the supremacy of God's love live in a persistent state of worry and doubt. Fear siphons away life, bleeding out our joy and peace until there is none left. Fear is a thief, a murderer and a destroyer. God's love is constant whether we feel it or not. It never stops purifying, constraining, motivating, healing, forgiving, freeing; God’s perfect love drives away all fear and the roots in which it is embedded. Lord, You are love and I may only know You by love. Enlarge my capacity to receive the purity and power of Your love and use me to offer freely it to others. 


Nothing clears the mind of clutter quite like a conversation with a three-year-old. They have genuine curiosity about so many things. There is no resisting the unrestrained laughter, cute grammatical stumbles, unpretentious openness or clunky attempts at philosophical and technical concepts. I cherish these conversations. God must view mankind in this way at times since even our most sophisticated attempts to communicate with Him must seem a bit silly. But He does not revile our shortcomings. Instead, as the psalmist declared, He “delights in His people”. Father in Heaven, thank You for Your patient care and forgive my outlandish pretense. I am Your child, teach me Your ways and make me more like You. 


It is far too convenient to assign blame to everything else, but what comes out of me is merely spillover from what is inside. This is very unsettling, but it is true nonetheless. After so many failed attempts to transform myself, I again must face the truth, I am still a work in progress and only God can finish the work. The good news is that promises in God’s Word grant me unshakable confidence that “He who began a good work” in me “will carry it on to completion”! Father, my words are insufficient, so I offer a borrowed prayer from a great hymn as my own: “Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way. Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will while I am waiting, yielded and still. LORD, fill me so fully that only You spill out. Amen. 


Throughout my life I have received a fairly steady supply of both accolades and criticisms. Actually, these two assessments by others are needed in life. The first granting encouragement and relief, the second bringing needed perspective and potential to be better. In either case, it is wise to not breathe in too deeply when kudos or critiques are in the air. Since we are biblically warned: “man is always right in his own eyes”, it is far better to allow the Holy Spirit and Holy Writ to filter commendations, condemnations or anything in between. Lord Almighty, Your voice speaks in so many wonderful ways; in both encouragement and discipline, in both instruction and rebuke, yet Your Word always brings life and hope. Help me hear You always in everything. 


The Lord deals straightforwardly with my weaknesses, treating me as a son who requires His discipline yet bears no grudges against my many failings.  Though we each stray from the boundaries of His will at times, He never grows weary of searching for his wandering lambs. When I scamper away from His Presence, He always finds me wherever I’ve roamed. His rod of discipline is always rightfully applied, but it is never done in disgust or frustration; rather, it is always delivered in His perfect love. When I stray into danger, He lifts me to safety with His staff and does not abandon me as I deserve. O Lord My Great Shepherd and Keeper, hallowed be Your Name! Deliver me from earthly obsessions and draw me near to Your side. Grant me grace to take hold of all You have commanded and to live accordingly. 


“Main Street, U.S.A.” is based on Walt Disney’s boyhood memory of a small town in which he lived in the early 1900’s. Rows of gingerbread-styled homes and businesses, American flags, a train station, horses and music combine to make it a magical stroll into Fantasyland. It is fun entertainment, but it is all a facade. It seems convincing enough, but it’s nothing but an imaginative veneer. Much of what we seek in life is propped up with facades and imaginations. As architects of our own fantasies we see what we want to see, then truth comes rolling in like a romping rhino in a china store; reality is a game-changer. Lord of Truth, I have many delicate things balanced on flimsy shelves. You knock down fantasies and facades so spiritual realities can break through. 


Two words came to mind while in prayer: ”give space.” The Presence of God can occupy space of any size, but His residency may not be recognizable while hidden in the junk pile of an overstuffed life. It is amazing how quickly every last bit of storage area in a house, office, car or garage fills to the brim. Since we know how easily empty space gets jam-packed with unessential things, the question becomes: “How overstuffed is the space in my soul? Does the Savior find “any room in the Inn?” Lord of Light and Life, You own me through and through. I desire to yield every last bit of space in my inward being to You. In Your lovingkindness, grant me grace for further housecleaning in my mind and heart today. 


Like pure, refreshing water hidden underground in a desert cavern, our created purpose lies deep within us. This is where the psalmist’s words come into play: “deep calls unto deep”. The value and benefit of drinking from its waters far exceeds the strenuousness of finding it. Whenever I stray too far from His plan the Goodness of God pulls me back to my only enduring source of life. He formed me to do His will and no other aspiration can be substituted for it. Every earthly desire must align with His divinely engineered plan. Father You created me with purpose and an innate capacity to fulfill it. I so need Your daily grace. Help me to drink from Your still waters. 


No matter how determined the minions of darkness are to chain me to lawlessness, God’s powerful one-two-punch of grace and kindness are far greater, and will exterminate all remaining rebellion within my soul. Internal resistance stubbornly holds on, but will ultimately be defeated by His immense love. He towers over my weaknesses and sweeps me up into His victorious goodness. By His mighty hand, helplessness turns to power, doubt turns to faith and fears into boldness. Oh Lord my God, my Strength and my Redeemer, Your loving kindness is better than life. Fortify my words of repentance with the breath of Your Spirit and give me heart and endurance to finish the fight. 


One of the most iconic scenes from the Star Wars series is when Obi-Wan is stopped by a squad of stormtroopers and uses the “Jedi mind trick” on them to avoid capture. And what was the planted thought? “”Move along!” That is great advice for us all. What a waste of time it is to wish that past things had unfolded differently. The past is the past; I must learn from it, appreciate it and get over it. Each new day offers brand new opportunities. My focus must turn from what was or what could have been to what is ahead. There is no Jedi mind trick, so I will I seek God and obey His voice. I will cast my cares upon Him and trust His ways. Lord, I praise You for another sunrise. Shine brightly in me and through me to all who I encounter today. Bind my heart to Your plans and lift my eyes to the horizon. Help me point the way out to those trapped in past disappointments. 


I can tell when I am being selfish, most of us can. One of my clear indicators is exaggerated annoyance. When I am being humble, as I should, the foibles and minor insults of others do not linger in my mind. When I am being selfish every annoyance is amplified. Instead of letting them fade away as a mature person should do, I take them personally and begin a running list. Once this has started a web of annoyance is spun and I'm the one trapped in it until I come to my senses. Father, You who are capable of all things, rid me of the sins of pride and judgmentalism. Grant me a greater portion of Your boundless patience. 


Panic is not a reliable strategy. A life bridled by fear is easily turned in the wrong direction, plunging those driven by it into unrelenting darkness. Fearfulness shuts down our sense of purpose, power and direction, leaving us to roam aimlessly in desolate places. In contrast, a life bridled by the Word of God will always turn us in the right direction, filling us with God’s perfect love and expunging fear from our soul. Lord of Life, You set the captive free and set our feet dancing on the hilltops. In Your boundless mercy, make Your Love my constant guide and use me for Your purposes. May my choices be wise and pleasing to You. 


One of the best pets that have been a part of our family was a handsome Pekinese named Chewy. He was smart and well behaved, with one huge exception, he loved to sneak away from the safety of our home and explore the neighborhood. One day he escaped and never returned. While I have matured over the years, I too, must be fenced in, requiring daily supervision and assistance from the Master. My wandering heart will stray into perilous terrain if not fenced in. Only God can safely guard my steps, only He will release my feet from the snare. Lord of Love, I am humbled and filled with gratitude that You faithfully and lovingly chase me down and fence me in. You discipline those You love. 


At the house of Simon the Leper, just two weeks before Passover, a woman anointed Jesus with perfume.  Some rebuked her for not selling the perfume and giving it to the poor and Judas immediately went to the chief priests and agreed to hand Jesus over to them for money. Judas, who had been pilfering money, was a thief at heart. We attempt to put distance between Judas’ betrayal and our own distrust of God’s choices, but betrayal always lurks in the heart of the person who does not have the money issue dealt with; at the core it is a trust issue. Either God is Good and Trustworthy or not; it is not left up to us to pick and choose which of His ways we will accept. An absence of thankfulness always precedes accusing God of not caring for our needs. Great Shepherd and Father, though I do not always understand Your choices but I am at rest in your tender care. Lord, You are Wise and Good, end of story. 


Divine purpose, unique opportunities, spiritual enablements and natural abilities are just some of the gifts God sprinkles along the path for each of us. However, unless practiced in genuine love for God and the people He loves, the exercise of these heavenly endowments can degrade into prideful showmanship, judgmental arrogance or disorderly conduct. I slip into an attitude of self-importance far too easily, so I must carefully practice these divine endowments with the humbleness they require. Dearest Lord, forgive my misuse of bestowed giftings. Deliver me from the need to claim ownership of the right to exercise them and help me practice them with kindness and humility. 


As soon as I awaken each day my mind is bombarded with unresolved problems; there is never a shortage of them. My first inclination is to share my troubles with others, yet I know from experience that this will only provide temporary relief at best and often leads to further disappointment. Turning to the wrong sources will only deepen my sorrows; so instead, I will cast my cares upon Him who cares for me like no one else can. I will throw myself headlong into the nail-scarred hands and rest in the knowledge that His love never fails. I will turn to the Comforter for counsel and feast on the promises of God’s Word. Lord, I yearn for Your consoling voice and towering wisdom. Instruct me from Your limitless knowledge and strengthen me with Your benevolent power. 


Like most people, I don’t like being taken for granted, but to be completely honest, I take things for granted all the time. Little things, big things, actually, almost anything; these are the objects of my undeserved presumptions. It is embarrassing how quickly our ego can turn an unearned privilege into an absolute right! How sad and foolish. A thankful heart is the key to freedom from taking things for granted. Worship and praise is a sure path to deliverance from ungratefulness. Lord, I am awakened for a moment from the dulling power of pridefulness. From my heart I sincerely praise you for…well, everything. Help me to recognize Your constant provision and to be genuinely and continually thankful. 


Today's sunrise looked as if God dipped His finger in florescent paint and stroked a soft orange, backlit ribbon across a silvery blue background. As if that were not enough, there is a beautiful mosaic of white to grey and tan to bluish clouds thinly weaved like giant ropes, spread north to south as far as the eye can see. The Master’s touch can turn any moment any place into a masterpiece. What else will God craft into this day? I will watch for His artful work. Perhaps He will stroke the canvas of my soul, covering over useless space and delicately creating something exquisite in its place. Almighty God and King, I welcome Your craftsmanship, Your slightest touch foretells majestic beauty. May my heart be a ready landscape; prepared for each stroke of Your holy brush. 


Casting off into a strong tide is fraught with perils. Though open waters beckon, the security of being tied to the dock is compelling. However, forward progress always includes the risk of letting something go. Everything in this world including death itself will eventually be “swallowed up in victory”. Looking ahead to what God is unfolding in His eternal plan helps to ease the pain of current losses. Recognition of the goodness and wisdom of God grants us an unearthly peace as we look toward what is ahead. Lord, keep me from getting uncorked when things change. I know that You work it all out for our good, even when I cannot trace Your hand. Cut me free from fears of loss so that I may embrace what is ahead. 


I enjoy problem solving, but have learned that doing it on my own is not always the best way. For instance, I've begun work on many projects around the house without initially understanding what was needed to finish. Multiple trips to the hardware store is often the result. However, when I know everything I need before beginning by consulting sources of help, the work is much easier and the job is done right the first time. Doing the homework before starting makes all the difference. Spiritual work is the same. I can stumble my way through for lack of preparation, or I can first consult with the Master Craftsman through His Word, listen for His instruction in prayer and seek His counsel through trusted spiritual mentors. Problem solved. Father, You always have the right tools, materials and sequence. Teach me Your ways and lead me by Your perfect wisdom. 


It is impossible to think myself out of being offended; believe me, I have tried. Actually, the opposite is true; the more I mull over offenses and discuss them with others, the more indignant I become. Our fuming deliberations deepen the pain, entrenching us in sullen exasperation and excessive defensiveness. Forgiveness is the key to turning our sorrows into joy since it places the situation into God’s hands; letting go of the wheel is the only sure path to healing. O Lord My Keeper and Defender, into Your hands I commit my heartbreaks disappointments, and consternations. You restore my soul. Keep me out of the way of Your divine work so Your Wisdom and Mercy may prevail and my heart and hands may be clean. 


“Ignorance is bliss”. Not really. Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. According to the bible, lack of knowledge is destructive for God’s people. However, sometimes, the more you learn about something or someone, the worse it gets, turning what had been good into a curse. Wisdom, on the other hand does the opposite; it can reveal blessings in the worst of circumstances. Wisdom can turn loss into gain, pain into praise and fear into faith. The lesson here is simple, knowledge must be bathed in wisdom. The work of God’s Word and Spirit is to reveal divine understanding to earthly knowledge. Father, You are the Eternal Fountain of Wisdom and You have promised it freely to those who ask. Grant me wisdom this day and always. 


As a young boy I always had a splinter or two somewhere in my body. I mostly learned to deal with them myself, but when they became really painful and I still could not remove them, I would seek help. I can still remember how difficult it was to extend my injured finger to another, even a person I trusted, knowing they could not actually feel my agony. But eventually I learned that to get better my injuries had to be exposed. They still do. While I’ve learned that others may indeed help, ultimately all my pains, both large and small, internal and external, must be placed into God’s Hands. Merciful Lord, You alone are the Great Physician, into Your tender grasp I entrust every sorrow. Even while I am being made whole, make me an instrument of Your healing love for others. 


I once was startled awake from a dream where I was in a moment of unbridled arrogance. It was ugly and shameful. I find it quite unsettling to think that pride is still so resident in my soul that it finds ways to circumvent my conscious intent to squelch it, even by manifesting while I sleep. Hubris fights dirty and is determined to rule our lives. Pride is a perilous, ugly, irrational and inappropriate emotion. For me, it usually starts popping up when I am feeling insecure, ignored or threatened. At this stage of spiritual growth there should be little or none left, but arrogance clings to the soul with a vise grip. Lord God, forgive my insolence. A heart open before You must be devoid of arrogance. Help me fully embrace Your divine humility Blessed Father.


Choosing the right companions in life is a primary element of success. While I prefer to be accompanied by those who make me feel better, to accomplish meaningful objectives I must partner with those who challenge me to perform better. At the end of life’s journey I will stand before God, so care must be taken in today’s choices. To walk with the wise is to be made wiser still. A true friend is one who strengthens my spiritual resolve and provokes me to draw me closer to God. Heavenly Father, lead me to relationships that honor You. Thank You for the blessed gift of comrades who put Your will ahead of all else. 


It is embarrassing to admit, but at times I have envied the arrogant. Unbelievers and believers alike can completely surround their hearts with self-focus and seemingly prosper free of the burdens of sacrifice and servanthood. Then I enter the sanctuary of God’s Word and Presence and I am undone and come to my senses. Shallow, happy feelings are no suitable substitute for eternal joy; the temporal simply cannot compare to the eternal. Losing focus on what truly matters drains away our sense of purpose and destiny. Lord, forgive my bouts of momentary insanity. Your will and ways are the fountain of divine life, and there is no other. In Your glorious Presence there is fullness of joy. 


I must ultimately surrender to God alone. My own will or even the best intentions of others will never do. The most difficult discovery is just how much resistance is imbedded in our souls. That, along with so much darkened counsel we receive from those around us makes knowing God’s voice all the more necessary. The biblical story of Job and his buddies come to mind. We are each created in God’s divine love for purpose and destiny; to ignore the will of God is to deny His exquisite love and all-knowing brilliance. Lord of All, forgive my insolence and help me hear Your voice accurately. May Your intent for my life never be shadowed by clouds of reluctance or the confusion of ignorant voices. 


Carpet Bombing is a warfare tactic that is designed to inflict significant damage in every part of a selected area of land. Modern technology and culture is such that our hearts and minds must now endure the saturation bombing of a constant flow of facts, falsehoods, distractions, new ideas both good and bad, and all this on a 24/7 basis. It’s time to admit it; the Information Age has not produced better-informed people. We wisely guard our physical eyes with safety goggles when they are endangered, but often do not guard our hearts, though it is the most important source of genuine discernment and enlightenment. Father, Your Word and Spirit provide both safety and instruction vital to my spiritual progress. In the midst of the cacophony of this modern world, help me keep my heart attuned to You. 


As the firstborn son of Isaac, Esau would have received the inheritance and authority of his father at his passing. But he showed contempt for his birthright when he traded it away to his brother for a bowl of soup.  How shortsighted and foolish! Yet, we too, show contempt for our Heavenly Father and our birthrights as His children each time we shrug off our inheritance as children of God in exchange for temporary, earthly things. I must constantly remind myself that over-attachment to momentary needs or desires can plunder my spiritual inheritance and corrupt my sense of purpose and destiny. Blessed Lord, You are my Strength and my Portion. Forgive my inclinations to trade-off heavenly heritage for makeshift satisfaction. Preserve my heart for You Alone. 


I have walked around in great cities around the world and have made many interesting discoveries. But I have also learned the hard way that it can be very dangerous to stroll into the wrong neighborhood. There is plenty of evil in this world that finds us even when we are making wise choices, so why make ourselves easy targets? The answer is curiosity. The wonderful gift of inquisitiveness, which motivates a child to learn, leads to medical discoveries, and motivates space exploration, can also be perilous. Curiosity, under the guidance of godly wisdom is a gift from our Maker, but influenced by spirits of darkness, it can be deadly. Almighty Father of Wisdom and Blessings, keep my curiosity under Your control and guide my steps in the path of life. 


The walk of faith is not a singular climb up a solitary mountain; it is more akin to a trek across a mountain range. The journey of faith is a high calling, with many highs and lows. There are those glorious moments of breathtaking vistas never seen by the faint of heart, and those exhausted arrivals to exhilarating heights, only to be followed by steep plunges into dark valleys. Our ascents to the mountaintops always include dizzying descents. Such is the life of faith. The walk of faith tests everything within us and makes us stronger than we ever imagined. Great are You LORD and greatly to be praised! You do not abandon your beloved in the swamplands; instead, You walk with us throughout the ups and downs of the trek of faith.