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Showing posts from July, 2012


It is no bother at all to simply categorize someone we don’t like or understand under a cherished prejudice and ignore or even revile them. To mistreat, disregard or malign others is to show contempt for their Maker. I must never forget that the differences I sometimes resent have God’s fingerprints on them. Father, help me to love as You love. I thank You for confronting my preconceived notions.


God openly invites us into His secret chambers. Nonchalant pride should never characterize my approach to the Holy and Mighty One. Carelessness is an uninvited companion that sometimes accompanies my intimacy with God. Lord, forgive my presumptuousness. May I never abuse Your Goodness by an inappropriate sense of entitlement. High and Lofty One, You are Glorious.


I have often fallen into a trap of feeling something was urgent or desperate, when in fact, it never was. It is wise to be on our guard, but anxiety drains away life and is in direct contradiction to God’s command, “Do not be   anxious about anything.”   Instead, we are to let prayer and praise reshape our worries into expectation of God’s intervention. Lord, I cast my cares upon You. All is well.


I should be grateful whenever I see spiritual progress in others or me. Sadly, this is not always the case. I sometimes do not like the method by which betterment comes; the process just doesn’t fit my plan. Thankfully, God ignores my opinion in these situations. Divine Disregard; I often need it, God’s goodness provides it. Lord, thank You for taking little notice of my commonly contaminated opinions.


Every second is precious, an irreplaceable gift of time. I desire to make wise and effective use of this day. Without God’s help this would be impossible, but the gift of new opportunity to act is accompanied with a daily allotment of grace, wisdom and opportunity. O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Teach me Your ways each moment. Thank You for another lap.


All too often my sincere praying becomes another anxiety session sprinkled with moments of praise, quotes of Scripture and several forgiveness requests. Prayer must be bathed in trust and thankfulness, but I easily slip into thinking, planning and assigning blame. Almighty God of boundless greatness and infinite wisdom, show me Your strength and deliver me from the terror of my own imagined perils.


I replaced an old pair of shoes recently. Strangely, though they lost their maximum contribution to my life long ago, there was a last minute moment of indecision. I sometimes have a difficult time letting things go. Not so as we stand at the precipice of a new year. No, I am ready to turn this page; there is no hesitation to step forward. Eternal Father, you have this moment in Your grasp; happily I press on.


People have a natural tendency to simply follow the herd. It is easier to go with the flow of whatever is popular, faddish or commonly admired. So what is the price of a drift along lifestyle? Failure to find Divine purpose. We are each carefully knit together for God’s specific will. We can never rise to God’s best going along with the crowd. Lord, protect me from wandering aimlessly. Keep my pace in cadence with Yours.


Today's sunrise looked as if God dipped His finger in florescent paint and stroked a soft orange, backlit ribbon across a silvery blue background. What else has the Master crafted into this day? I will watch for His work. Perhaps He will stroke the canvas of my soul. Lord, I desire Your Holy craftsmanship. May my heart be a ready landscape; I welcome the touch of Your holy brush.


The walk of faith carries us down many solitary paths. Daily, personal obedience can seem lonely since it is custom designed by God specifically for each of us. The human heart can be desperately lonely in the midst of a crowd, yet fully satisfied solely in the presence of just One…THE ONE. Heavenly Father, Eternal Creator, help me today to walk in private fidelity. Help me keep my eyes on You.


Like sand slipping through the hourglass, each moment quickly slips into the past. I often feel the sting of lost opportunities, mistakes and unchangeable past events. An eternal perspective rotates the impulse of our lives; instead of dwelling on the past, we are pulled toward an unlimited future filled with hope. What is behind becomes a footnote as eternal purpose unfolds. Glorious Father, I joyfully move forward.


Exploring new possibilities is a part of the human condition that is an attribute of our Creator. Every person is born with an inward passion for learning, problem solving and adventure. If these characteristics never fall under the daily guidance of divine superintendence, we will waste our lives wandering around in a personal wilderness. Lord God our Creator, corral my expeditions to Your perfect will.


I fully intend to have a good day. God has carefully placed me into the circumstances of this diurnal passage, providing every resource and opportunity for it to be a day of destiny and fulfilled purpose. My good intentions for today must become action empowered by surrendered obedience. Lord Almighty, my objective is clear, help me with my follow through. Provoke me to finish well.


All that I do is in the full sight of God. My only certain hope of pleasing Him is that He views me as His child. What great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! My role? I must be childlike, but not childish, innocent but not imprudent, happy hearted but not foolish. Thank You Father that I AM Your child. I yearn to please You today; teach me to joyfully to hear and obey.


Earth whirling, sunlight advances, darkness flees, God is already voicing commands into this day. His Word precedes every moment and then holds it in place as it appears. Still, He is not finished. As each split second unfolds in His mighty grasp, He proclaims His will into it and pronounces His blessing upon it. Good morning Lord, this day is Yours already. All is well. I am thankful to be Your servant.


Still in the passing dark of early morning and I hear birds singing. Why does a bird awaken with a song in its heart? I suppose it wakes up excited about the prospect of eating worms. I have much more to look forward to, yet I am not nearly as enthusiastic as they. Lord, thanks for the reminder. I am very grateful for what awaits. You have ordered my steps for this new day. Chirp, chirp. I feel better already.


I rediscovered a few muscles yesterday. I know the drill: Today, it hurts, tomorrow, pain diminishes and I become stronger. It is the micro-tearing of tissue that builds strength and endurance. Consistent training leads to consistent gains. Lord, help me to remember this physical, mental & spiritual cycle of growth. Guide me through today's miseries on my path to tomorrow's strength and victory. It hurts sooo GOOD.


I love God, but I realize that much of my love is rooted in self-interest and need. When I am content, which is the result of His unfailing goodness, the intensity of my love rises but swiftly drains away; when I am in need, I hunger more for Him. He knows this, but never backs away. While I necessarily depend upon unconditional love, returning it is still difficult. Dear Father, help me today to be consistent in my love for You and others.


We each spend countless hours planning things that never happen. In fact, most of what has actually occurred in my life I never planned at all.   I am at peace with that, having mostly accepted that God establishes my steps. I will not cease making new plans, but will hold them loosely, knowing that God is in control. Father, what comfort there is in leaning into Your arms. You work all things for our good.


My times of prayer are mostly done in quiet solitude, but internal impulses make my meditations feel like Times Square on New Year's Eve. Random thoughts, daily concerns and problem-solving noisily crowd into holy space carved out for God alone. Lord of Peace, only You can do the miraculous and quiet my soul. You silence my doubts and calm my inner storm as You lead me in the way everlasting.


Reality is a game-changer. Much of life is propped up with facades and imaginations. We are architects of our own fantasies. Then truth comes rolling in like a rhino in a china store. Lord of Truth, I have many delicate things balanced on flimsy shelves. You only knock down to build up; You push to the side that which is of no lasting value. While there is pain in the moment, I welcome Your truth.


Panic on our part does not cause God’s Hand to move any faster. Additionally, the size of our crisis does not cause panic on His part. He is not bound by time nor limited in capacity. He cannot be confounded nor set back by earthly resistance. He is the Eternal Sovereign, the Almighty, the Lord of All, the Lord our Peace. Heavenly Father, Your timing, Your way, Your will. I rest assured.


God is generous. Giving activates part of our godlike nature imprinted on every human heart by its Creator that cannot be activated otherwise. Benevolence without authentic love is possible, but genuine love devoid of giving is utterly impossible. Generosity with strings attached is the earthly way, giving unconditionally is divine. Lord, teach me Your ways. Thank You for every opportunity to be more like You.


Each heart knows its own bitterness, its own fears, its own solitary path. Likewise, no one else can share its deepest joys, its unexplainable peace, its moments of unencumbered victory. There are times of single space passageway for every soul where no other may tread. These are the precious occasions of life when there is only God. Almighty Father, I am never alone or without recourse; You are present.


So many problems are rooted in reckless words. It is foolish to believe that we should say whatever we think. Every thought must be brought under obedience to the Word and Spirit of the Everlasting One. Unfiltered thoughts must not be allowed to roam freely in our minds and should never exit our mouths. Lord of Love and Truth, may all my thoughts be in submission to You. Help me to guard my tongue. Let love guide my words.


Spiritual laziness is a constant nemesis. It is easy to be tricked into thinking that Christian activity is spiritual fervor. David had been a successful king for a while when “at the time of battle” he was in the palace instead of where he belonged. His moral fall came when he was enjoying the fruit of his efforts. Oh Lord my Keeper, deliver me from worldly contentment. In all my ways pull me toward You.


As morning breaks, light is crawling over the face of the earth. I cannot live in yesterday’s light. I must turn my thoughts from darkness past and step into the brightness of this new day. I am one day wiser. I have never known more or have been more experienced than this very moment. Lord God Almighty, thank You for this fresh opportunity to do Your bidding. New light is shed upon me and joy is in my heart.


Each day presents new battles, unforeseen foes lurking just beyond view. There is simply no chance that I can be fully prepared for what awaits. Yet, how sweet the joy that fills my heart; victory rests in the Lord. Come what may, the Lord is my triumph. King of Kings, into Your hands I cast every care. You are my strength O Lord. In the moments of conflict may I ever trust in Your unfailing love.


Every time I start believing that I’ve made significant spiritual progress I find someone standing squarely on my last nerve. I cannot afford to miss the obvious: dead men feel no pain. So I am again reminded that I still need plenty of “dying to self”. Father, I am rightly shaken with the reality of my weaknesses, yet I know my selfishness is not incurable. Thank You for confronting what is not pleasing to You.


I increasingly realize that all the parts of my life are interconnected. If I completely surrender even one part to God, all parts are affected. Like yeast into a loaf, each entry of grace begins to work its way throughout the whole. I am grateful for daily, targeted, unrelenting conviction that initiates the Kingdom’s advance in me. Lord I am Yours, help me to yield something new to You today.


What a waste of time it is to wish that past things had happened differently. The past is the past; I must learn from it, appreciate it and get over it. This awakening dawn offers brand new opportunity. Will I seek God today? Will I obey His voice? Will I act forcefully, with kindness, with joy? Lord, I praise You for another sunrise, shine in me, through me, before me. Bind my heart to Your plans; lift my eyes to the horizon.